Why Is Colorado Winter Skin So Dry?

Why Is Colorado Winter Skin So Dry? Here are the main culprits of why your skin feels so dry in the Winter: There are simple ways to remedy this  and you can keep your skin soft and hydrated all season long. 1. Upgrade Your Moisturizer- Come into Skin Care with Dory and we will figure your … Read more

Introducing New Jet Plasma Service!

Why did I bring Jet Plasma on board at Skin Care with Dory? I was looking around for a treatment that was effective and complimented “The A- Game” of noninvasive skin care:  microcurrent facials. High-quality microcurrent is a powerful modality in that produces impressive results. The downside is that it takes several treatments (After 5o … Read more

Why see an Esthetician? A shameless plug!

The Beauty Industry is a multi-billion dollar industry with thousands of subliminal messages and in-your-face advertising hooks for “quick fixes” and how to play on your “fear of aging.” Even professionals love to be seduced, but we need to test and figure out what really works: For example, does this product safely do what it … Read more

It’s Sweater Weather- What about your skin?

How does Fall Season in Colorado affect skin? As temperatures cool down, humidity levels drop. Low humidity causes dry air causes dry skin. This can exaggerate existing conditions like eczema or itchy, scaly, cracked skin.  Skin will try to grab moisture from the air, and when there is no moisture, the skin is less strong, ... Read more

What is compromised Skin Barrier?

What is compromised Skin Barrier?  When a person's skin is not functioning as healthy as it could be and seems to be breaking down instead of rejuvenating in balance. The Acid Mantle of the skin is a delicate balance of oil and water that is the protection for the skin’s homeostasis for it to function ... Read more

What I packed for my trip to Portugal?

What I packed for my trip to Portugal? We all know packing for a trip can be some ”serious organizing”- We need to little all our stuff down into only what we need for the allotted time and then we are often still over-packed. Most of us also want to keep up on our healthy ... Read more

Why did Skin Care with Dory choose NeurotriS?

Why did Skin Care with Dory choose NeurotriS microcurrent?  I believed there was a more powerful technology. NeurotriS surpassed my expectations.  Many companies with superior products, I find have less slick marketing, but a Mastermind behind the scenes who craft superior products or machines.  What makes NeurotriS different than other microcurrent devices?  NeurotriS is the ... Read more

30 Day skin Care challenge!

With many of us jumping into our New Year's Get in shape plan -  Having radiant healthy skin will help. It takes time to groove into a routine. It's so much easier to reach for the Quick fix like lipstick or concealer instead of daily home care. That's the tough part. Though, After 30 days ... Read more

Why is the Pepti Nano Mask a Client Favorite?

Why is the Pepti Nano Mask a Client Favorite? Because our skin is dry at this elevation: We are exposed to harsh winds, high UV radiation, and low humidity. This makes our skin feel uncomfortable and tight.  Visually, Dry skin looks parched, pores are visibly larger, and finalizes and wrinkles are more profound. We have ... Read more