What Treatment Should I get and when will I see Results?

Whether you want to Get your Glow on and look rejuvenated and refreshed for a family gathering, a special date, A business presentation or want to address recent skin or long term skin issues-
This is your guide to what treatment should I get and when will I see results?
I will share with you something I noticed:
“You can tell who takes care of their skin”.
Years ago,  I was in Advanced Training classes at the Esthetic Institute and was a bit surprised that I could see the overall health and vitality of a client’s skin as they walked towards me down the long hall for treatments.
Fortunately, I had the benefit of checking my ”first impressions”: During Treatments, I had a chance to ask them about their routines, skincare, and treatment plan
My initial impressions were spot on: mostly added up to matching what I thought I saw walking towards me.
 I could see from not close up who took care of their skin.
When a client comes into my office at Skin Care with Dory- This is what I often hear:
“ My skin and I need some TLC”:  Got it. I would consider a European Facial. You tell me what you want for your skin. I analyze it and do a results-oriented skin treating Facial which includes Aromatherapy, lymphatic drainage, and massage. Not only does this increase circulation, drain excess fluids, clear your skin as a start and nourish your complexion- You get to relax and be pampered and unwind. ( Results: Immediate).
“I want to look Radiant Tonight and I only have today”: I suggest you get an Aqua Facial with a peptide nano mask and a Vitamin A Nano needling.  The powerful combination of treatments clears the skin with exfoliating serums, vacuuming dead skin cells, and infusing serums. The mask will hydrate and plump the skin and the stem cells and Vitamin A will be penetrated 6x deeper with Nano needling showing immediate glow, freshness, and brightness with the added benefit of inducing collagen for 4 weeks. ( Results: Immediate).
Nano-needling with Vitamin A and Stem Cells in Cumulative. This means in the long run, monthly treatments will improve collagen and elasticity and a more even skin tone. ( Results: Immediate and long term).
“I am going to be photographed close up and need my skin to look great and I have peach fuzz hair on my face”. All of us have hair on our faces. As we age this hair can become darker or thicker.  The process of dermaplaning removes soft velours hair and gently exfoliates so that makeup goes on smooth, skincare products can penetrate more deeply and the face appears less dull and more bright. Many clients do dermaplaning just to rid the facial hair that has become “too obvious”.
Dermaplaning can be added to most appointments. (Results: Immediate).
“ I really want a Face Lift- but, I don’t want surgery- My Face and neck are sagging.” Although We love to “stay grounded”, We do not necessarily like what Gravity does to our faces and necks.  Microcurrent is like a mini workout for your Face and it is cumulative. Skin Care with Dory suggests a series of 10 treatments in five weeks to start and after that see the results. Then we meet weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly to maintain your results. Your Face will look lifted, more contoured as it was more so before. Your eyes will look more open and your chin more chiseled. (Results: after 5-8 treatments depending on quality of skin and product use).
“ I need a long term strategy: The lines on my face and neck are getting deeper and I have these age spots/acne scars- Ugh!” Age spots are one of the toughest to treat as they are slow to fade. Lines can be softened, but it can take time. I tell clients that at 8 months of solid home care and treatments and healthy lifestyle choices- they will look in the mirror and like what they see more than they do now. How do we do this? Microneedling is a “Go-To Treatment” to build the skin back up. Microneedling is collagen Induction therapy building stronger and firmer skin. The results take time t build. Because collagen is coming from deep inside your skin- Skin Care with Dory tells clients you may start to see results at the third or fourth treatment- Though we suggest 6 treatments for long-term benefits. (Results: 3-4 months).  Often, We pair this with  a series of chemical peels to resurface the skin and confront the acne or discoloration to even the skin tone and the skin’s ability to heal and balance.
“My complexion is dull, My skin is rough and dry/I have acne/fine lines”: Chemical peels are fast-acting AND offer long term results. Chemical peels exfoliate excess dead cells and penetrate into the skin to correct the damage. ( Results: 5 days and cumulative with a series of 6 peels). Skin Care with Dory suggests peels are done in the Fall, Winter, or Spring because  We want you to avoid direct sun exposure. Thank about it this way: If you start a monthly series in the Fall: Your complexion will look much better by Spring Break!
“Help- I am beginning to look like my Mom, Dad, Grandparent”:  Genetics play a large role in our skin and our looks. We have some control over our nutrition, lifestyle habits, stressors, and what we are exposed to.  I tell my clients that Seeing me for treatments is like an accelerated personal trainer- But the true work is at home with Results-oriented, active ingredient skincare products customized for your skin. That’s why I research and offer my clients potent products. ( Results: Immediate and long term.)
Why do I highly recommend LED Light Therapy?  Because, LED Light Therapy was discovered by NASA and has been researched and proven effective to Rejuvenate skin stimulate collagen, improve circulation, heal wounds, improve acne,  for lymphatic drainage and is truly anti-aging. It can be added to all treatments- though a bi-weekly series of 12 suggested. (Results immediate and long term.)
I hope this helped you choose which treatments are right for you!

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