Skin Care is not only skin deep

Much of our skin radiance and our issues come from our gut and digestion. Even more than topical skincare: The quality of nutrition, hydration, sleep, lifestyle habits, and stress affects much of the skin. As an Esthetician, We care about your inner health too.
That’s why I suggest Supplements-  Here are the cliff notes on some of the products I may suggest to assist you on your skincare journey:
Recovery: By the age of 50,  We have already lost 1/2 cup of fat in our faces.  Older faces can begin to look narrow and drawn with hollows under the eyes, in the temples, and around the mouth.  Recovery can replace much of the facial volume loss that occurs with aging ( approximately 80%). By restoring critical nutrients to reactivate fat cells Recovery alleviates the need for volume fillers while creating a much more natural, youthful appearance. Recovery’s nutraceutical properties also help to restore your unique probiotic population and provides essential fatty acids, like omega-7, supporting health and cellular function. Recovery restores Gut Microbiome by Restoring the probiotic population and omegas, including omega-7. Suggested 7-9 bottles ( less expensive than filler).
Regenerate: Your Liver is the “main machine’ to clear toxins out of your body. Toxins show up in the skin and are expelled from the skin- A clean liver that functions well is crucial in skin health and overall vitality.  Regenerate includes bio-available forms of Vitamin A, C, D, and E and glutathione and provides a balanced blend of amino acids to repair and improve the function of the liver for creating collagen and skin health. Benefits include: improved skin vitality, noticeable lessening of age spots and melasma, less hair loss, Some say weight loss is easier with a well-functioning liver. Suggested 3-9 months depending on detox.
Elevate: Who wants more energy (and libido)?  Elevate is clinically proven to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing ATP production. Helps burn fat, increase energy ( studies show 1.5 pounds of fat loss per month). Improves mental clarity and mood and libido.
Skin Defense: We are bombarded by toxins in today’s modern world that collects in our cell walls. Toxins can prevent your skin from improving. Skin Defense defends and clears against environmental toxins such as estrogens, pesticides, and chlorine. These toxins affect sleep, menstruation, migraines, fertility skin clarity. Skin Defense is recommended for acne on the jawline, neck, back, and chest. Also assists in smoothing menopausal symptoms and irregular menstrual cycles. It may benefit men too and assists with all other supplements. Suggested  3 months to always.
Digestive Support: A well-functioning digestive system helps us absorb nutrients and detox what we do not need. Formulated with bio-available pancreatic enzymes (much like our own) strengthens gut health by improving digestion, bloating, and constipation.
Skin Clarifier: An excess of mucus in the body harbors toxins. Appearing as congestion in the lungs or sinuses or creating acne and blackheads, bloat, constipation, or allergies. Skin Clarifier detoxes mucus from the sinuses, digestive tract, and lungs promoting gut health and toxin removal for clearer skin and increased vitality. Suggested 1-3/10 Day rounds
Immune Activator: Increase your Immune Defense with patented stabilized oxygen molecules and detoxify and repair. Targets Immunity, Lessens melasma ( with Topical product AC-11), Improves sensitive gums, and whitens teeth (without sensitive gum issues or toxins).
Skin Perfection Elixir: Contains 70+ minerals and 24 Karat Gold. Clinically proven to target the source and improve inflammation, redness, and blemishes. Suggested 2-4 months.
Ageless Vitality Elixir: Recommended for aging skin and body, Digestive health, Allergies. Reawakens Youth promoting hormones HGH and IGF-1, Neutralizes environmental toxins, and promotes digestive balance.
Vaginal Rejuvenation System: Clinically tested; VRS safely restores the vaginal wall using stem cells and cytokines. Improves vaginal atrophy, dryness, itching, and painful intercourse. Discreet and Private home care.

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